Management of meal vouchers ("Tickets Restaurants" in French)

French version below


Managing meal vouchers can quickly become a headache for managers. Indeed, it is necessary both to plan a certain number of titles to be distributed and to control the correct distribution according to the days of presence of the subject employees.

To advance the specification, here is some information:

  • For each employee, it must be possible to select whether or not he or she benefits from the meal vouchers.
  • Generally, for financial reasons (cost of shipping and flat-rate management fees), restaurant tickets are ordered in advance for several months (min. 1 month, 3 months,
  • Rules for the distribution of meal vouchers (to be confirmed with an HR expert):
    _ the person has worked a full day (1/2 days are therefore excluded as well as absences due to illness, leave, etc.)
    _ If the person was on a professional trip, either he/she has made an expense report including catering (most cases) in this case he/she cannot benefit from the restaurant tickets, or he/she has paid for his/her meal personally and in this case he/she can benefit from them.
    _ You cannot distribute more meal vouchers than necessary because it is considered a benefit in kind.

Distribution policy:

  • 20 tickets every month and then we regularize the situation at some point during the year
  • With each order, the situation is as regular as possible to give a more realistic number. For example, why give out 20 tickets in August if the person is going on holiday for 3 weeks?
  • other, 

Ordering process:
When you place your order, you must group the number of booklets by number of restaurant tickets. For example, I order 3 books of 20, 4 books of 19 and 1 book of 14. While this can be relatively easy for a few people to manage, it is easy to understand the need to have a summary of the number of notebooks to order.

To summarize:

  • identify the eligible persons,
  • point out the days of presence and exclude the 1/2 days that are not eligible
  • carry out an analysis to date of the meal tickets distributed in relation to the meal tickets actually distributable (absences taken into account).
  • assist in ordering for a granularity of 1 month to several months

I am available to discuss it if necessary.
Have a good day


La gestion des tickets restaurants peut vite ĂȘtre un casse tĂȘte pour les gestionnaires. En effet, il faut Ă  la fois prĂ©voir un certain nombre de titres Ă  distribuer et contrĂŽler la bonne distribution en fonction des jours de prĂ©sence des collaborateurs assujettis.

Pour faire avancer la spécification, voici quelques informations:

  • Pour chaque collaborateur, on doit pouvoir sĂ©lectionner si oui ou non il bĂ©nĂ©ficie des tickets restaurants.
  • GĂ©nĂ©ralement, pour des raisons financiĂšres (coĂ»t de l’envoi et des frais de gestion forfaitaire), on commande en avance des tickets restaurants pour plusieurs mois (min. 1 mois, 3 mois, 
  • RĂšgles de distribution des tickets restaurants (Ă  confirmer avec un expert des RHs):
    _ la personne a travaillé une journée complÚte (les 1/2 journées sont donc exclues ainsi que les absences pour maladie, congés, 
    _ Si la personne était en déplacement pro, soit elle a fait une note de frais comprenant la restauration (majorité des cas) dans ce cas elle ne peut pas bénéficier des tickets restaurants, soit elle a payer son repas personnellement et dans ce cas elle peut en bénéficier.
    _ On ne peut pas distribuer plus de tickets restaurants que nécessaire car cela est considérer comme un avantage en nature.

Politique de distribution:

  • 20 tickets tous les mois puis on rĂ©gularise la situation Ă  un moment de l’annĂ©e
  • A chaque commande, on rĂ©gularise au mieux la situation pour donner un nombre plus rĂ©aliste. Par exemple, pourquoi donner 20 tickets en aoĂ»t si la personne part 3 semaines en vacances?
  • autre, 

Passage de la commande:
On moment de passer la commande, il faut regrouper le nombre de carnet par nombre de tickets restaurants. Par exemple, je commande 3 carnets de 20, 4 carnets de 19 et 1 carnet de 14. Si cela peut ĂȘtre relativement facile Ă  gĂ©rer pour quelques personnes, on peut vite comprendre la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’avoir un rĂ©capitulatif du nombre de carnets Ă  commander.

Pour résumer:

  • identifier les personnes Ă©ligibles,
  • pointer les jours de prĂ©sence et exclure les 1/2 journĂ©es n’ont Ă©ligibles
  • faire une analyse Ă  date des tickets restaurants distribuĂ©s vis Ă  vis des tickets restaurants rĂ©ellement distribuables (absences prises en compte).
  • aider Ă  la passation de la commande pour une granularitĂ© de 1 mois Ă  plusieurs mois

Je suis disponible pour en discuter si besoin.
Bonne journée

Hi Lionel,

Thanks a lot for your input.
I have created a ticket on Gitlab to track the work in progress for this feature.
It is currently planned for the first half of 2020.

Hi Lionel,

This situation might also benefit from an Order Taking app that includes employee meal vouchers to save on your manual paper work and booklet ordering to further ease your management tasks. If @chdecultot builds an API for the features then integration into Dokos will be achieved as well making your entire process automated.

